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Buy a gift card

Are you last-minute shopping for a gift? What could be better than giving someone a delightful dining experience and adding a touch of luxury to their life? With us, you can purchase a gift card that works equally well for a cup of coffee as it does for an entire evening in our stores.

You can use the gift card at all restaurants and shops within Svenska Brasserier: Riche, Taverna Brillo, Sturehof, Sturehof Matmarknad, Teatergrillen, Luzette, AIRA, Ulriksdals Värdshus, Riche Fenix, The Hills, and Gondolen. You can buy it online or, of course, in person at our location.

Check your balance

Did it get a bit blurry the last time you were in our restaurant, and did you lose your receipt? Don't worry, you can easily check the balance of your gift card here.